This video is session #5 of the YWAM IWT playlist, a series of videos including more than 12 hours of in-depth training in collaborative partnerships by Phill Butler:
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Session 5: Summary, Quotes & Questions.
Kingdom Partnerships Video Seminar
Phill Butler, visionSynergy
SESSION 5: Summary, Quotes, Questions
In this session Phill is looking primarily at how people come to a decision for Christ, so that we can come to value all the steps and all the players, and to value whatever role God has called us for. First he looks at the intersection of information and motivation with powerful examples from the Scriptures : Jairus and the thief on the cross with high motivation and the Pharisees with low. Emphasis is on the process from which people can go from low to high information and low to high motivation, thus, ready to make a decision, and what role believers can play at each stage. The process is well illustrated by the journey of Nicodemus, Jairus and a Quechua Indian woman in Peru challenging the traditional ways of caring for the health of her babies vs modern interventions that might save lives.
The role of believers who want to see people come into the Kingdom is illustrated in 1 Cor 3:6 where Paul says, “ I planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase.” Each of us comes at a different stage to clear stones, sow, water, or to reap. But we have to learn to be sensitive to what that means in each social context, and with each individual, whether they are antagonists, indifferent, seekers or resisters. We have to learn what is needed at each stage and find where we are called to contribute. We must understand that the path to decision is a process, and the journey on in discipleship and maturing is also a process. Then, as Jesus said, “He who sows and He who reaps will rejoice together.” John 4:36. But this session and the future ones are filled with PRACTICAL steps for enhancing and making more effective the work that we do together to bring in God’s harvest.
Notable Quotes:
- Nothing ever happens spiritually until someone is motivated. Information alone never never never does it.
- For a person whose heart is hard, or who is resistant, there is NO intellectual argument that will bring them into the Kingdom.
- All over the world, there are studies on how mass media affect change…One thing is clear: no matter what you’re trying to do, the mass media is best in early stages (stone-clearing, sowing). As you approach the reaping stage, the impact of the mass media declines.
- But ALL the studies show that if you have a decision which has significant social implications, as you approach the point of decision, interpersonal communications become the single most important thing.
- As people begin to move [up the chart, as their awareness and need rises], we can do watering. Finally as they’re motivated enough and have enough knowledge, then and only then, can you do reaping.
And only in this upper right-hand quadrant [of high knowledge, high motivation] is the only place you can see people come to Jesus.
- Billy Graham, when asked by Larry King, why, after all his success and accolades, he doesn’t just rest on his laurels, answered, “Because this is what I’m called to do. It’s not because I get a rush. It’s not because I see tens of thousands come into the Kingdom.” PB: And that, my friends, is the difference between perceived success and faithfulness.
- God’s called you to a critically important role; never minimize that. Billy’s call is not trivial, but he didn’t make this happen. God makes it happen.
- Jesus’ saying is true: He who sows and he who reaps will rejoice together John 4:36.
- What you are doing is trying to build on the work of God. This is not abstract; this is reality. God is at work right now.
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you react to the idea that information alone cannot bring a person to the Lord?
- What about the idea that mass media only works in certain parts of the process and individual sharing in others?
- Do you have a feel for what your role your particular gifts and calling may have prepared you to play in the journey of evangelism and discipling?
- Have you ever had a real-life example of how you fulfilled ONE of the roles in the journey of someone coming to Christ and you were able to rejoice with some of the other players at the harvest? Tell about your role and others’. (Of course, sometimes we only get to experience this rejoicing in heaven).
- What most motivates you to play the role you believe you have been given in the process? How do you experience your reward?