We all know that outcomes are a whole lot better when people work together – whether it’s families, communities, or nations. The nightly news reminds us every day of the consequences of broken relationships – personally and among nations. It’s particularly true, of course, in Kingdom work. Working together, our witness and service in Christ’s name is always more powerful.
The problem is that we don’t see many examples of Christians working together effectively – especially over the long haul. And that’s why we wanted to talk with you — because there’s good news. It’s been pretty well hidden for over 20 years – largely because the encouraging developments have frequently occurred in parts of the world where security concerns are high and the price of following Christ can be losing your life. But, the good news is that countless individuals now are pro-actively bringing God’s people together in partnerships to reach and serve dozens of the neediest language groups, great cities, and vital sectors of international ministry like witness to refugees, sports outreach, internet evangelism, and the 3.5 billion who can’t or won’t read.
We learned that when we work together, God’s people save money, maximize our strengths, are more effective – and more people come to know Christ sooner and His Church is really strengthened. In fact, Jesus said in John 17 that this issue is absolutely critical; that the world won’t believe He is who He said He is unless we, His followers, visibly love each other and work together. This website has principles and basic training material for leadership of these partnerships and networks. You can learn to catalyze new high-priority Kingdom collaboration initiatives. A key piece is you’re your effort has durability — a critical quality for real impact. Whatever your vision, change takes time. It’s cutting-edge stuff in a rapidly changing world. And, if you don’t find what you’re looking for here, try our colleagues in collaboration at www.synergycommons.net .