The way we work together in networks or partnerships is as important as what we do. Jesus defining word to us in John 17:21-23 reflects His commitment to restored relationships. Our networks or partnerships are wonderful opportunities to demonstrate the love and transparency that is at the heart of Christ’s Kingdom journey. Here are suggestions you and your leadership team may want to consider. Make certain that all who join or engage with your network or partnership are aware of these values and how they can both contribute to and be blessed by the spirit of your collaborative efforts.
- We will give all glory to God as a result of work done by any individual, ministry, or the Network of ministries working together.
- Prayer is the cornerstone of our work together. Without an on-going basis of prayer our efforts will be in vain. We encourage prayer in our network or partnership and develop and support prayer teams associated with our initiatives.
- Our highest priority is taking the Good News of Jesus love and redemption to those who have never heard. Among the unreached, the Network’s sole focus is (xxxxxxxxxx.)’
- We subscribe to the Lausanne Covenant as our Biblical framework for both our ministry and our relationships.
- We are committed to working together in partnership; accepting the responsibility of those relationships and looking for the benefits that flow from working together.
- We seek the minimum structure needed to facilitate the Network – seeking to operate by consensus or simple memorandum of understanding wherever possible.
- We encourage Task Forces and Working Groups among Network members to take up specific needs and opportunities that arise to implement our mutual vision.
- We are committed to a policy of inclusiveness. We welcome any ministry that will wholeheartedly subscribe to these values.
- We are committed to giving new believers in local congregations the Biblical vision for working together in partnership and training them in the skills for effective collaboration.
- We are committed to each others best interests: both the individuals and the ministries in the Network. Whether we weep or rejoice – we weep and rejoice together.
- We will respect the nature, ministry, resources, and constituencies of each other’s ministry.
- We will faithfully pray for the needs of those in the network.
- We are committed to a policy of open, mutually trusting relationships built on; our common faith in Christ, our experience of faithful performance by fellow members of the Network, and our commitment to speaking the truth in love.
- Where there are differences in policy or methodology that threaten our effectiveness or unity, we are committed to involving other members of the Network to resolve these differences.
- As individual members, we are committed to the Network’s effectiveness and will actively take up any role in the Network for which have the capacity.
- We are committed to sharing information on needs, opportunities, and resources openly with other members of the Network. We will actively work to develop and sustain systems that will facilitate our doing this.
- In projects which are undertaken as a join effort by members of the Network, we are committed to sharing the success. Each member can tell the story – as long as they state the project was undertaken in cooperation with other ministries in the Network.
The way we work together in networks or partnerships is as important as what we do. Jesus defining word to us in John 17:21-23 reflects His commitment to restored relationships. Our networks or partnerships are wonderful opportunities to demonstrate the love and transparency that is at the heart of Christ’s Kingdom journey. Here are suggestions you and your leadership team may want to consider. Make certain that all who join or engage with your network or partnership are aware of these values and how they can both contribute to and be blessed by the spirit of your collaborative efforts.