As a facilitator or part of a facilitation team, one of your key responsibilities is ask, “How are we doing?” It’s easy to get caught up in the many details of the on-going operation of the network – particularly if this is an assignment “over and above” your regular job! But, it might be valuable for you and other leaders in the network to pause and ask yourself these questions. No network or partnership ever scores 100%! But, it is a helpful exercise to ask the questions. And, if it raises issues – what could you do about it?
- Participants share a high-value common vision – a challenge or challenges beyond the capacity of any single agency; a vision which all acknowledge is something God wants done.
- Based on a common vision for expanded quality and quantity of ministry impact.
- Brings clear value added to its members’ own vision/mission.
- Based on sharing common, high-value technologies and/or methodologies
- Based on agreed standards of performance for implementation & evaluation of those technologies/methodologies.
- Based on agreed minimum requirements to be a “member,” “associate” or to have some other official linkage to the Network.
- Has an inclusive and “open architecture” structure; all who agree to the vision and performance standards are welcome.
- Provides heightened awareness of other network members – their nature and capacity.
- Facilitates a growing commitment to help/support other members of the network.
- Facilitates the availability of/access to resources; technical, financial, organizational development, etc.
- Has a network ‘champion’ in each participating agency.
- Has a dedicated facilitator or facilitation team for the overall network.
- Sets near to medium-term objectives relevant to the primary vision that are:
- Highly specific
- Limited yet strategically important
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Have clear associated time schedule, responsibilities, and reporting procedures.
- Facilitates sharing of experience (best practices, case histories, etc.).
- Has a well-defined, easily accessible platform for the network’s communication (Facebook, email, one of the many messaging aps, etc.)
- Facilitates a common evaluation/communication/reporting protocol (vocabulary, format, metrics, etc.).
- Reflects a growing, common vision for and commitment to the value of the network itself.
- Is aware of/responsible to its key constituencies and actively engages with & regularly reports to them.
- Is an incubator or “mother ship” for partnerships, working groups, project initiatives that address specific areas of need/opportunity that emerge in the network’s operation.