Definition of networks:
Any group of individuals or organizations, sharing a common interest, who regularly communicate with each other to enhance their individual purposes.
Note the key phrases —
- common interest
- regularly communicate
- individual purposes.
Networks generally are designed to facilitate on-going communication and information sharing, helping members of the network do their own individual work more effectively. The only real points of connection may be a common area of concern and regular communication.
The network may be pastors, building contractors, doctors, mission agencies, or neighbors. The network may be structured — with membership, regular meetings, newsletter, website, etc. Or, it may be informal — just an agreement to meet on certain occasions to share information — and maybe encouragement.
Definition of partnerships:
Any group of individuals or organizations, sharing a common interest, who regularly communicate, plan, and work together to achieve a common vision beyond the capacity of any one of the individual partners.
Here, the key phrases are —
- common interest
- regularly communicate
- work together
- to achieve a common vision
- beyond the capacity of any one of the individual partners.
Partnerships don’t exist to just share information or to encourage fellowship. Information and encouragement are part of the partnership process. But, they are means to an end — not the partnership’s purpose. While networks may bring people or organizations together because of a common area of interest, partnerships galvanize linkages around a common vision or outcome. By working together on that common vision or outcome, they can achieve outcomes far beyond the capacity of any of the individual partnership’s members.