There is plenty of Biblical support for God’s people being active change agents.
I. Based on God’s nature: living in community
A. Before creation
– Job/Daniel/Ephesians
B. Man in His likeness
– Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:17
C. Destruction of community/trust
– Gen 3:8-10 Fear
– Gen 3:22-24 Separation
– Gen 4:1-9 Loss of responsibility
D. Testimony of community
– Gen 17 Promise to Abraham
– Zech 8:20-23 National witness
– John 17:21-23 Believers’ relationship
II. Based on a Gospel of restored relationships
A. Salvation defined Luke 10:25-28
B. Believer’s role II Cor 5:18-19
C. Practical action Colossians 3:12-17
III. Based on God’s creation of diversity
A. Different styles Matt 11:2-19
B. Different roles I Cor 3:3-11
C. Different timing Hebrews 2:2-4
D. Different audiences Acts 15:1-11
IV. Based on Unity in diversity/the Body of Christ
A. Romans 12
B. I Cor 12
C. Ephesians 4
V. Based on the nature of Evangelism
A. Matthew 13
B. John 4:35-38
C. I Corinthians 3:5-9
VI. Basis for credibility of the Gospel
A. Words vs works John 5:30-47, 10:31
B. Belief thru unity John 17:11, 21-23
VII. Basis for release of Holy Spirit’s power
A. Psalm 133
B. Ephesians 4:16