Scriptural Assumptions
- Man is a shaper, not a victim
Gen 1:26, 28, 29
Gen 2:16-17
- Jesus commission from the Father
Luke 4:16-21
- Jesus commission to us
John 20:21
- We are change agents
Matt 6:10, 11:19
2 Cor 5:17-19
Eph 4:15
Heb 5:8
- Change possible only in acontext of alternatives
Luke 8:40-56
John 6:43-69
- Alternatives have meaning in a context of assumptions
Luke 9:1-6
- Relationships: their power in change
Luke 5:27-35
John 1:35-51
Acts 10:24-27
Acts 13
- Social roles and impact on change
- Innovators/prophets
. Matt 3:7-12
- Early adopters
. Matt 3:1-6
. John 1:35-51
- General population/adopters
. John 11:1-12:26
- Late Adopters
. Acts 5:12-16
. Acts 6:7