by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Media & Communications
Theology, Theory & Practice: Evangelism in Broadcasting: © Phill Butler Editor’s Note: 1) This longer, detailed case history is included as it contains issues communications leadership frequently face. All of the classic issues related to change: risk, having a...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Collaborate-Learn-Essentials, Collaborate-Plan-Curriculum
For this partnership formation meeting in Central Asia, they came from Sweden, Norway, Korea, Singapore, Germany, England, South Africa, America They were Baptists, Presbyterians, Assemblies of God, Methodists, and the list went on. One of the key principles for...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Collaborate-Plan-Curriculum
Core Idea The migration of world population into the cities is creating unprecedented challenges for planners, governments, educators, sociologists, and business — not to mention the impact on individual lives, families, and communities of all sorts. Cities are...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Collaborate-Implement-Operations, Collaborate-Learn-Getting-Started, Collaborate-Plan-Curriculum
What’s the Challenge? All cultures have both idealized and realized values. These values represent the way things ought to be and the way they really are. Near the top of the list of Christian idealized values is the vision Jesus gives His followers in John...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Collaborate-Plan-Local-Church
The Good News A ‘blue collar’ city of about 200,000, third largest city in the State, known for its railroads, deep water shipping, forestry businesses, small manufacturing industry, and a large recent immigrant population. In this context a few pastors...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
The partnership had been born several years earlier. It was focused on a previously unreached people group and was still working on initiatives together. In the midst of the partnership’s annual working meeting on a Sunday, we decided to go to one of the churches...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
In 1986 Mikhail Gorbachev was instrumental in revolutionizing the trajectory in history of the Soviet Empire when he, along with others, engineered what became known as perestroika and glasnost. It was such a radical change, and in a sense the old empire...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
Jesus’ Love To Professionals & The Young Sports is music’s twin universal language. Committed to a partnership approach, in 1996 the International Sports Coalition was coordinating key outreach at Olympics, World Cup Soccer, and other high profile international...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
* For security reasons, names have been changed * Background: The Inogosi people group were the original tribal people in a country that was overrun centuries ago by foreign invaders. The Inogosi people speak a distinctive language and have a strong sense of ethnic...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
Imagine a parched, semi-desert country where for nearly a thousand years 99% of the population has been deeply committed Muslims. Imagine these people grouped in villages where 3-4 hours every day is spent just carrying the water to stay alive. Imagine what might...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
Note: Names have been changed to address security. The partnership initiative with which I worked was called the Shangba partnership. The vision of the initiative was for the Body of Christ focused on the Shangba people group to learn together and collaborate...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
Background: The “B” people group were the original tribal people in a region later overrun by foreign invaders. The “B” people speak a distinctive language and have a strong sense of ethnic identity which has been repressed by the invaders who...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
History/Context Jacozza is a city of about one million. It has an industrial economy and a large immigrant population. While there are over 30 churches in the city evangelical Christians are still a small minority. Seven years ago 15-20 of the pastors began meeting...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
I want to tell you a story. This is a story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. This is a story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things over a long period of time. It is a story about people who started with very, very, small success, and seven...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Evaluate, Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies, Collaborate-Plan-Local-Church
Principles Remember Partnership is a process, not an event. You can kill a Partnership by just calling a meeting without proper advance work. Effective Partnerships are built on relationships of trust — take the time to get to know potential participants; who...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
In this video story, Phill Butler chronicles the formation of an effective ministry partnership working together to reach...
by Phill Butler | Collaborate-Implement-Case Studies
In this video story, Phill Butler chronicles the formation of an effective ministry partnership working together to reach North...